Mihura, el último comediógrafo
By Adrián Perea

About the show
Miguel Mihura's life (1905-1977) was full of disappointment, heartbreak, failures and a few successes which occurred almost at the end of his life. One of these successes, Tres sombreros de copa, arrived when he finally saw his great play staged two decades after he wrote it. This is the slightly bitter-sweet tale of that achievement, the story of a life divided in two, that of Miguel and that of Mihura, the latter of whom was always linked to the creation of his first text.
Mihura, el último comediógrafo is a clear tribute to comedians in general and Miguel Mihura in particular. But who was the man who wrote one of 20th-century Spanish theatre's most iconic plays? What do we know about him? What do today’s writers have in common with him? Adrián Perea answers these questions in a comedy that showcases a prodigious talent. Like Tom Stoppard, the playwright constructs a sort of Shakespeare in Love about absurd humour, full of laughter, love, cabaret and unfulfilled dreams. Beatriz Jaén directs this production which approaches the topic of writing as a form of resistance and gives us insight into the age-old trade of those who make us laugh. It’s a sentimental biography in which life, fiction and autofiction come together.
Premiere performance.
Every season, Nave 10 Matadero will feature at least one director under forty years old whose role will be linked to that of artistic support. We plan to invite a director with demonstrated expertise to provide support and advice and to facilitate the artistic process in this initiative which will enable talented young people to learn from the wealth of artistic experience of the great men and women of theatre. We are carrying on a legacy of excellence in creation. In this first season, Marta Pazos, the stage director of Juana de Arco, accompanies director Beatriz Jaén in a number of work sessions which provide guidance and shed light on ideas relating to the staging of Mihura, el último comediógrafo.
Cast & Crew
DIRected by
stage space design
sound design
costume design
a production by
“Because there’s no point staying at home writing to a girl like you if I've never met one before”
Tuesday to Sunday / 7.30pm
Viernes, 13 de junio de 2025